Future-focused predictions for 2025
- by Alex Antonatos

Although none of us can predict the future with certainty, it is our collective duty to consider the potential outcomes and make preparations for them. That involves putting the necessary people and technology in place now so that the financial function can benefit from the impending disruption. Without a clear financial vision and strategy in a digital environment, that is unlikely to occur. It's time to take a step back and make sure you have a clear plan for that future. Here are 3 predictions:
1- Self-service becomes commonplace
When it comes to fundamental procedures like business processes, many businesspeople don't require assistance. They would be delighted to have a digital voice on their smartphones respond to their inquiries. Report generation, budget queries, and other tasks will all be automated. As time goes on, intelligent agents will discover the kind of business data that each person requires and provide it in a proactive manner. Spreadsheet data will eventually give way to visually appealing, easily navigable, and intuitively accessible information.
Getting self-service right is crucial since your company is expecting more and more responsiveness and quality. The last thing you want is for your consumers to be irritated or upset whenyou are responsible for taking care of themselves.
2.Standardization will result from the proliferation of APIs
Few businesses are putting in the effort required to integrate and harmonize data, which prevents them from reaping the benefits of digital transformation. Those looking for a magic solution to their data issues will be let down. The labour will still be difficult and time-consuming, but automation and cognitive processes will make it easier. What are we discussing? Data-entry fields, nomenclature, commas, and hundreds of other related elements. It's neither glitzy nor glamorous. However, it is significant.
For many CFOs, data issues lurk beneath the surface, and some are unaware of the amount of work needed to fulfill their objectives. This is due in part to the technical nature of the problems and in part to the lack of incentive for personnel to bring them to the attention of the corner office. Nobody wants to be the one to deliver terrible news.
3. AI Cloud Revolution will force enterprise to be multi cloud.
Even if cloud providers are already incorporating digital technologies like blockchain, automation, and cognitive tools into their offerings, competition will still exist. As unique quantifiable internal business developments (with Copilot) enter the market with specialized applications and microservices that sit on top of—and interface with the cloud platforms, expect the landscape to change.
Enterprise is about to enter a technological golden era. Applications, microservices, banking, and finance will all grow in popularity as multi cloud computing becomes the standard. You will be able to lower technology's cost , complexity without compromising its usefulness and vendor lockin.